Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cheese with that whine?

Today was going to be a whinney post about busted pipes, but then a friend sent me a wonderful email about a pony named Molly.

Molly is a survivor of Katrina with an amazing story. Pam Kaster wrote a book called Molly the Pony, that is now available. I think it is going to be a best seller.

Molly is an example to anyone going through incredible difficulties. She just keeps going and others, seeing her perseverance, take heart.

Her story reminds me of a little Tuxie cat we had that got hit by a car. The vet didn't think much of his chances of regaining control of his back legs and tail, but Taz kept trying. Each day he would try to do a little more and eventually he fully recovered from his accident. It was amazing to watch and gave all who saw him lessons in taking things one day at a time and doing what you can when you can.

Lazy Trainer Tip

Our animals can teach us a lot about moving forward instead of just giving up and wallowing in the past.

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