Friday, February 20, 2009

Cat Haven

Anyone who has read any of my books, articles and blogs know I am all about animals. I am especially fond of horses and cats, goats and dogs are next on my list. And then there are goldfish and Beta's.

I found something I think is great. A ranch for cats.

Cats are actually very at risk animals. People, dogs, coyotes, large owls, hawks all regard them as targets and dinner.

Cats rank right up there with rabbits when it comes to being prey. And anyone who thinks rabbits are less able than cats to protect themselves has never been kicked in the diaphram by a full grown New Zeland or Californian rabbit. They also bite and scratch.

One man has created a haven for unwanted cats. He calls it Caboodle Ranch. I checked it out and immediately donated some money. The cats looked great and were obviously being care for. It looks like a wonderful place for them to be.

There is a wonderful video at .

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