Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Most animals and people want someone to lead them. Being a follower is much easier than being a leader. However, in most cases, even the most willing follower will not follow a leader that has repeatedly gotten them into trouble. If a leader consistently proves to be untrustworthy a herd, flock or pack will refuse to follow that leader regardless of what is going on. It is a simple fact that the current leaders of our country have used up all their leadership credibility. People do not trust them and will not just take their word on things any more.

When working with any animal it is necessary to gain that horse's or dog's (or any animal's) trust. Taking small, careful steps it is necessary to prove that, as a trainer and leader, you are not going to get the animal in trouble. A good trainer convinces animals that their best interests are met by working with the trainer. That the trainer will see to it they are kept safe, fed, watered, able to rest when they need to without worrying about predators. This all works so well that we humans, who are definitely predators, can convince prey animals to willingly work with us and for us if we convince them we are leaders that have their best interests at heart. Abuse that trust too many times though and the animal will completely cease to cooperate and even begin to fight the trainer. This is true whether a trainer is working with prey or predator.

This is were our current leaders have blown it. They absolutely convinced us they are not trustworthy leaders. They do not have our interest in mind at all. They are only looking out for themselves and if the wolves pick us off, that is okay as long as they are not the ones being picked off. Does this mean there is no way they could have convinced the average American to cooperate? Actually there are some ways they could have gotten the cooperation of the people, but it would have meant completely changing their usual methods of dealing with us. They would need to acknowledge that the average American has some intelligence.

For example, how would the public have reacted if the "plan" had been offered as an investment opportunity instead of a bailout? If those presenting it had offered a calm, reasoned approach with careful explanations to the American people about just how this could benefit them? Offered them a possible way out of the mess they perceived as being created by those same leaders? Furthermore why didn't those leaders take the time to look at the options they had at hand to ease things without having to completely depend on the cooperation of the Congress and the American public?

One simple thing they could have done is use the system all ready in place to ease the lending laws controlling the flow of money between banks. Instead, they chose to go for the "sky is falling" approach without examining their alternate options. Since they used this in the past, to our detriment, there is no way they could reasonably expect unqualified cooperation.

It doesn't really matter now because the leaders have blown it. There is no trust. To try to sell us on the idea of an investment opportunity (which this actually is) is going to have to come from someone that is not connected with the White House or the current administration.

Lazy Trainer Tip: Be a careful, responsible leader. No matter what kind of animal you are dealing with (including the human animal) do not get it into trouble. Keep the animal safe and secure and they will do almost anything they are capable of doing for you. Abuse this trust and you are on shaky ground. You may get a few more chances, but if you mess up with these animals will not merely ignore you, they will activately work against you, which can lead to dangerous situations for everybody. So plan things to increase trust not abuse it.

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