I have voted Republican most of my adult life, but unless something truly incredible happens between now and election time, I'm going to have to go with the Democratic ticket.
I reached this decision after watching the speeches by the candidates at the conventions, listening to the news analysts afterwards, and finally doing my research on the candidates, their histories, and their records.
I went to following sites to gather information. Women's League of Voters,
www.lwv.com, Holding Politicians Accountable,
www.factchecks.com Every Political Leader on Every Issue,
www.ontheissues.com and finally, watching BBC news (that is the British Broadcasting Co.) All these sources provide information that allows the individual to really see the candidates without their personalities and presence getting in the way.
Experience: My feeling is that NO ONE is ready to be president. It is all on the job training regardless of who the candidate is. I believe history will back me up on this one.
Service: I like the fact that Obama has really worked among the poorest people in this country. I consider that even though he did not join the military he did serve his country.
I don't believe that military service is the only way to serve our country. It is a good way, but far from the only possibility for service. I have long felt that we should have a program where all people between the ages of 18 and 21 do something to serve their country. Doing work among others different from themselves, helping maintain our infrastructure, serving in public hospitals and clinics, and assisting teachers are just a few of the possibilities for young adults to learn about serving their country.
Taxes: As for the tax increase, if Obama is going to increase taxes so that someone with seven houses can't buy an eighth I have no problem with that. If taxes are going to be increased for the group that has to make a decision of whether to feed the kids or go to the doctor then I have a real problem with that. Who is going to get tax breaks and why?
Windfall Tax breaks: I think the numbers tell us why it is time for the oil industry to quit getting tax breaks and start paying their fair share of taxes. Lest anyone question this logic consider this; OPEC is meeting this week with the announced agenda of cutting production in order to maintain high oil prices. Drill, baby, drill was a real turn off for me. Yes, we need to drill, but that needs to be the last solution for our future energy needs, not the first.
Obama's ideas that alternative sources of power are where we need to put those windfall tax breaks sounds reasonable to me. Do I need to add that I'm on board with Picken's Plan?
Personalities: I was impressed with Palin's stage presence, but I've seen too many really bad horses that had that quality. It doesn't mean much without other more important qualities. Also, I didn't like the fact that on Good Morning, America only one of Palin's close personal friends said she'd vote for that ticket and then SHE made it plain she was voting for McCain. If none of your good friends support you there is a skunk somewhere.
I was very disappointed in McCain's speech. I respect his service and his history. I honor him for what he has done. I admire the man more than I can possibly say. BUT, this time I wanted to hear his plans for the future; not what happened thirty-five years ago. A brief synopsis of his service record and a few touches on his record in the senate for the past twenty-two years would not have been amiss. But the big failure of his, and Palin's, speeches was the lack of future plans. Fight, fight,fight is for pep rallies, not leading a country.
Obama and Bidden aren't as charismatic as Palin or as heroic as McCain, but at this point I think they may be our best hope for the future of our country.
Robert A. Heinlein said the difference between bad and worse was far greater than the difference between good and better. I'm not sure which one it is in this election year, but I do see that we need to be very careful which choice we make.
Study the issues, read the transcripts, and try your best to make your decision based on things other than stage presence and personalities. Your children and grandchildren's future may depend on your choice this November.